30 Min Hardcore Full Body HIIT Workout For Fat Burn & Cardio
Ready to burn some major calories and get in a healthy dose of cardio? This intense workout is short (just 30 minutes) and sure to keep you burning calories and fat long after the workout ends. The best part? No repeat exercises – there is no chance that you will get bored! There is no required equipment, and you are sure to get your blood pumping and a full-body workout with this 30-minute HIIT session. Each move is performed for about 45 seconds, with 15-second breaks in between moves. Let’s get started!
Round 1
360 Jumps
Let’s get right into it! Facing front, take two quick jumps, then rotate to your right. Keep this move going as you continue to rotate to your right and move in a complete circle while jumping in place.
Skater Lunges
Getting back into a start position, start by lunging back on your right foot. You want to ensure that your back leg is lunging on a diagonal line behind your stabilizing leg, similar to a curtsy lunge. As you move from side to side, alternate raising your arms overhead. Always raise the same arm as the leg that is lunging.

Plank Sidekicks
Time to recruit those core muscles! Get into a high plank position, making sure your core is tight, and your back is flat. Alternate kicking each leg out to the side so that it is in line with your hips. As you kick your legs from side to side, move your upper body towards the kicking leg – much like a side crunch.

Cross Body Jacks
Think of these as the bigger, more badass version of a jumping jack! As you jump and alternate crossing your feet over each other, alternate crossing your arms as well. Make sure that your arms are out to your sides as your feet jump out and bring everything into a cross together.

Curtsy Lunges
Stand with your feet hip-width apart and slowly lower one leg in a diagonal line behind the opposite leg. Just imagine you’re giving the queen a curtsy! It is essential to keep your hips square and facing forward to get the most out of this move.

Alternating Side Planks
Start in a high plank position. Engage your core and keep your body steady as you shift your weight onto your right arm and left foot. Raise your left arm towards the sky, and switch. Continue alternating sides until the set is complete.

V Hold Twist
Sit so that you are resting on the very top of your booty. Keep your core tight as you bend your knees and lift your legs at a 90-degree angle. Hold this position for the entire move and twist at the waist as your alternate gliding your arms out and towards the back of the room.

Superman Pulse
Lie flat on your tummy, raise your arms in front of you and in line with your shoulder. Slowly and with control, lift your chest and your legs in unison. To get the most out of this move, keep your legs and arms off the ground the entire time and work in small pulsing motions.

Sumo Squat Hold + Arm Reach
This one is going to burn! Lower into a sumo squat and hold this pose steady as your alternate, reaching your arms across your head and toward the opposite side of the room.

Baby Butterflies
Bring your feet together, ankles touching, and lift both feet onto your toes. Raise your arms out to their sides and pulse them up and down like butterfly wings!

Round 2
Sitting Tuck Twists
Sitting on your bum, slightly lift your feet off the ground. Placing your hands on the ground for added support, keep your elbows close to your sides as you bring your knees to your chest and push them back out into a straight leg pose.

Side Lunge Cross Reach
Stand with your feet wide – beyond your hips. Take turns lunging from side to side and alternate touching your toes with the opposite hand.

Feet/Hand Jumps
Start in a downward-facing dog position. First, jump onto your hands and bring your knees into your chest. As you land on your feet, pull your arms off the ground. Then jump back onto your hands.

Square Jumps
Jumping with both feet, hop to your left, then to the back, then to your right, and finally to the front. You’ve just jumped in a square- keep it going the whole time!

Start on all-fours and lift your knees off the ground. Take turns putting your weight onto one foot and kick your other leg through to the other side. As you alternate between your legs, lift the opposite arm so that all of your weight is on the same side.

Long Jump, Back Hops
Start at the edge of your mat and take a long jump towards the opposite end of the mat (you don’t need a mat, it just helps to use it as a guide). Land softly and take multiple small jumps until you are back at your starting position.

Reverse Table Twist
Start by getting into a crab pose and lifting your booty off the ground. Push your hips towards the sky and alternate lifting each arm off the ground.

Start with your feet hip-width apart. Alternate jumping from side to side, like you’re trying to keep a ball from going into the net!

Leg Raises Figure 8
Lie on your back and lift your legs towards the ceiling. With your core tight, move both legs in a figure 8 motion as you use your hips to move you from side to side.

Reverse Table Dips
Starting on your feet and your hands (finger facing towards your toes), push your torso toward the sky. Lower back down, bending at the elbows, and repeat.

Round 3
Plyo Single Leg Hip Thrust
Start by lying on your back with your hands at your side, one foot on the ground, and the other lifted at the knee. Pushing from the foot on the ground, kick your legs and hips off the ground. As you land, make sure that your opposite foot is the one that touches the ground and repeat.

Pulse Ups
Lie on your back with both legs lifted straight above your hips. With your arms at your side, use your abs to push your hips and legs up into the air. Carefully lower your hips back to the ground and continue the move until the set is complete.

Plank Reaches
Starting in a high plank, take turns raising one arm and lifting it straight out in front of your shoulders.

Knee Jumps
For this move, start by coming on to your knees. In one quick and controlled motion, jump and land carefully on both feet. Stand tall and return to your starting position by lowering on to one knee at a time.

Figure 4 Squats
Start by crossing your right foot and resting it on your left knee. Slowly lower into a squat on your left leg and return to a standing position. Switch to the right side and repeat.

Half Burpee
Start in a high plank and jump your knees so that they are in line with your shoulders. Stand straight up and lower your hands to the floor. Jump your feet out into a high plank and take it from the top!

Arm Triangles
Standing straight with your arms out to your sides. Lead with your hands and move your entire arm in a triangle shape. Don’t stop until the time is up.

Body Swings
Standing with your feet under your hips and your hands above your head, jump down into a narrow squat and let your arms swing far behind you. Jump back up, and this time, drop into a wider squat while swinging your upper body between your legs.

Prisoner Walk Ups
Stand with your arms behind your head and slowly lower to your knees, one at a time. With both knees on the ground, return to the starting position one leg at a time.

Dead Bug
Lay on your back with your knees bent and lift your legs at a 90-degree angle. Slowly lower one leg and the opposite arm. Switch and repeat!

You Did It!
We know it was hard, but if you like breaking a sweat just as much as we do, then we know you are feeling fantastic! Great job working up a sweat! Now, cool down, stretch it out, and give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done.